- Part 1: About Cochrane Reviews
- Part 1: About Cochrane Reviews
- Part 1: About Cochrane Reviews
- Part 1: About Cochrane Reviews
- Part 1: About Cochrane Reviews
- Part 1: About Cochrane Reviews
- Part 2: Core methods
- Part 2: Core methods
- Part 2: Core methods
- Part 2: Core methods
- Part 2: Core methods
- Part 2: Core methods
- Part 2: General issues in pre-specification
- Part 3: Specific perspectives in reviews
- Part 3: Specific perspectives in reviews
- Part 3: Specific perspectives in reviews
- Part 3: Specific perspectives in reviews
- Part 3: Specific perspectives in reviews
- Part 3: Specific perspectives in reviews
- Part 3: The notion of PICO for synthesis
- Part 4: Other topics
- Part 4: Other topics
- Part 4: Other topics
- Part 4: Other topics
- Part 4: Other topics
- Part 4: Other topics
- Part 4: Planning a Cochrane review to compare multiple interventions: network meta-analysis
- Part 5: Issues to consider when including qualitative evidence
- Part 6: The problem of multiplicity and the use of hierarchical selection rules
- Part 7: Special issues for addressing adverse effects
- Part 8: Issues in reviews of test accuracy
- Part 9: Questions and answers
- Patient and public involvement in research: What, why and how?
- PDF versions (restricted)
- Peer review policy (webinar)
- Peer review training modules for dietitians
- Performing meta-analyses in the case of very few studies
- Plain language for Cochrane reviews: how to ensure your readers find what they need and understand what they find
- Planning eligibility criteria
- Policy on co-publishing Cochrane Reviews in other journals
- Practical methods for handling missing summary statistics in meta-analysis of continuous outcomes
- Preferred and acceptable risk of bias tools for non-randomised studies of interventions (Methods Support Unit web clinic)
- Presentation Styles [webinar]
- Priority Setting in Action: experiences from two Cochrane Review Groups
- PRISMA-S: an extension to the PRISMA Statement for Reporting Literature Searches in Systematic Reviews
- Prognosis Research in Healthcare: Concepts, Methods and Impact: (online workshop)
- Public Engagement and Involvement in Health Research: How well are we doing? Views from the global north vs the global south
- Public Engagement and Involvement in Health Research: How well are we doing? Views from the global north vs the global south
- Public Participation Impact: the other PPI
- Qualitative evidence synthesis (QES) and GRADE-CERQual - Melbourne, Australia
- Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES): Learning Live webinar series
- Quantiles of the marginal and conditional dose-response relation based on weighted mixed-effects models
- Question formulation and protocol development for systematic reviews with network meta-analysis
- Question formulation and searching for qualitative evidence
- R package 'crossnma' to synthesize cross-design evidence and cross-format data using network meta-analysis and network meta-regression
- Rapid evidence synthesis for COVID-19 research
- Rapid Qualitative Evidence Synthesis: Balancing rigour with speed (webinar)
- Rapid Reviews - Dr Andrea Tricco (webinar)
- Rapid reviews from the ground up
- Rapid reviews to strengthen health policy and systems
- Rapid reviews webinar series
- Reaching an overall RoB judgement and incorporating RoB assessment into analysis and interpretation
- Recommendations and guidance on responsible AI in evidence synthesis
- Registration and reporting of drug trials on humans (Cochrane Sweden webinar)
- Reporting a Cochrane Qualitative Evidence Synthesis – how to avoid common reporting issues
- Reporting guideline for synthesis without meta-analysis (SWiM)
- Reporting Guidelines for Equity-Focused Systematic Reviews: PRISMA-E 2012
- Research priority setting with patients and the public
- RevMan Calculator
- RevMan project management for Cochrane authors and group staff
- Risk of Bias 2: Good practice and common errors
- RoB 2 Bias in other types of studies: cluster-randomised and cross-over
- RoB 2 Domain 1: Bias arising from the randomisation process
- RoB 2 Domain 2: Bias due to deviations from the intended interventions
- RoB 2 Domain 3: Bias due to missing outcome data
- RoB 2 Domain 4: Bias in measurement of the outcome
- RoB 2 Domain 5: Bias in selection of the reported result
- RoB 2.0: A revised tool to assess risk of bias in randomized trials
- RoB 2: Editorial considerations
- RoB 2: Learning Live webinar series
- Running webinars and virtual workshops: good practice guidance
- Scoping reviews: what they are and how you can do them
- Searching clinical trials registers: guide for systematic reviewers
- Searching for adverse effects
- Selecting studies and assessing methodological limitations
- Shared learning: How to apply PPI in multinational and multi-group research
- Sitemap
- Software to Support the Systematic Review Process: York, UK
- Software to Support the Systematic Review Process: York, UK
- Soo Downe: Changing the conversation: How QES reviews can frame and inform guidelines and implementation (webinar)
- SPFT Youth PPI Café: A framework for the meaningful involvement of young people in mental health research
- Stakeholder Involvement in Evidence Synthesis
- Statistical analysis in systematic reviews: Learning Live webinar series
- Statistical methods for updating meta-analyses
- Storytelling for impact: Creating a storytelling program for patient partners in research
- Study centric data analysis and data management in RevMan: methodological background and practical application
- Subscribe to Cochrane Interactive Learning
- Success of living systematic reviews for rapid evidence synthesis and surveillance (Cochrane Ireland webinar)
- Summary of findings table common errors (Methods Support Unit web clinic)
- Synthesis Without Meta-analysis (SWiM) reporting guideline