- Systematic Review Advanced Author Training: Dublin, Ireland
- Systematic review of prognosis studies
- Systematic Review Standard Author Training workshop: Michigan, USA
- Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of diagnostic test accuracy 2019 - Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Systematic reviews and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies (online workshop)
- Systematic reviews and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies: Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Systematic reviews and meta-analysis of intervention studies: Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Systematic reviews and meta-analysis of prognosis studies (online workshop, February 2022)
- Systematic reviews and meta-analysis of prognosis studies: Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies Workshop - Lund, Sweden
- Systematic reviews of preclinical animal research: who are the potential knowledge users?
- Systematic Reviews of Quantitative and/or Qualitative Evidence 2020: Leuven, Belgium
- Systematic reviews, meta-analyses and real world evidence: an introduction
- Systematic Search for Systematic Reviews Workshop
- TaskExchange for Cochrane Review Groups and consumer involvement tasks
- Team considerations, study selection, risk of bias and data extraction in rapid reviews
- Team considerations, study selection, risk of bias and data extraction in rapid reviews
- Technical Supplement to Chapter 20: Integrated full systematic review of economic evidence
- Temp HRI Version 6
- Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR)
- Términos y Condiciones
- Terms and Conditions
- Terms and Conditions
- The 11th Guideline Development Workshop: focus on GRADE for Intervention: Orlando, USA
- The EASE science editors' handbook
- The Nottingham Systematic Review Course - Nottingham, UK (June 2022)
- The ROB-MEN tool to evaluate the risk of bias due to missing evidence in network meta-analysis
- The TRANSFER Approach for assessing the transferability of systematic review findings
- Thematic Synthesis
- Tips and tools for hosting a webinar
- Tips for avoiding common errors in protocols for Cochrane Systematic Reviews
- Training Innovations Fund winner: Cochrane ClassMate
- Transforming Healthcare through Evidence-based Practice: Columbus, OH, USA
- Translating critical appraisal of a manuscript into meaningful peer review
- Two sides of the camera: Collaboration, Co-creation and Co-production in public health research
- UK Society of Editors and Proofreaders workshops
- Understanding and Critiquing Health Economics Models: York, UK
- Understanding systematic reviews – an introduction for health professionals, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Undertaking a qualitative evidence synthesis to support decision-making in a Cochrane context
- Update to Cochrane Interactive Learning - information for existing users
- Updated GRADE guidance for imprecision rating using a minimally contextualized approach
- Updated guidance on how to interpret and assess imprecision with GRADE methods
- Using GRADEpro to perform a GRADE assessment and make a summary of findings table
- Using the GRADE approach to summarise evidence for policy and practice (Online, April 2022)
- Using the GRADE approach to summarise evidence for policy and practice: Melbourne, Australia
- Versions and changes to the Handbook
- Virtual Methods Symposium
- Virtually Cochrane 2021
- Visualising Cochrane Evidence in practice: experience from the Cochrane Common Mental Disorders group
- Webinar: COVID-19 Pandemic: Navigating Evidence and Guidance in a Crisis
- Webinar: Developing conceptual models through Qualitative Evidence Synthesis
- Welcome
- Welcome to the 2019 Methods Symposium
- What can equity do for you?
- What is ‘physical rehabilitation’? A model developed with stroke survivors, carers and physiotherapists for a Cochrane Review on stroke rehabilitation
- What makes a good Discussion section? (Methods Support Unit web clinic)
- What's in a 'Summary of Findings' table?
- What's new and what's next in Covidence
- Working together to beat COVID-19: engaging and involving patients and public
- Working together to beat COVID-19: engaging and involving patients and public (second webinar)
- Workshop materials
- Workshop on meta-analysis (Lund, Sweden)
- Writing a Cochrane abstract in the focused review format
- Writing a review protocol - good practice and common errors
- Writing a systematic review following Cochrane methods (Online, April-June 2022)
- Writing a systematic review following Cochrane methods - Brisbane, Australia
- Writing a systematic review following Cochrane methods: Adelaide, Australia
- Writing a systematic review following Cochrane methods: Brisbane, Australia
- Writing a systematic review following Cochrane methods: Camperdown, Sydney, Australia
- Writing a systematic review following Cochrane methods: Melbourne, Australia
- Writing a systematic review workshop: Belfast, UK
- Writing up reviews with network meta-analysis (Methods Support Unit web clinic)
- Writing up Risk of Bias 2 (Methods Support Unit web clinic)
- Your feedback
- Модуль 1: Доказательная медицина
- Модуль 2: Рандомизированные контролируемые испытания
- Модуль 3: Введение в систематические обзоры
- Модуль 4: Понимание и использование систематических обзоров
- ‘Let’s yarn about sleep’: Co-designing a movement for sleep health equity in First nations communities in Australia
- ‘Summary of findings’ tables in network meta-analysis (NMA)
- “Narrative synthesis” of quantitative effect data in Cochrane reviews: current issues and ways forward
- 考科藍知識轉譯:中文線上研習會
- 考科藍知識轉譯:中文線上研習會