Chapter PDFs of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy (v2.0)

PDF versions of all chapters are available to registered Cochrane contributors below, primarily for training purposes.

Full details on how to obtain permission to re-use material in the Handbook can be found on the main Handbook webpage. Citation information is included at the beginning of each chapter. 

Chapters are available below for personal use via a Cochrane Account (don't have an account? Set one up for free here). 

Part 1: About Cochrane Reviews of diagnostic test accuracy

  1. Introduction
  2. Planning a Cochrane Review of diagnostic test accuracy 
    1.S1: Supplementary material: Reporting template for Cochrane Protocols of diagnostic test accuracy

Part 2: Introducing test accuracy

  1. Evaluating diagnostic tests
  2. Understanding the designs of test accuracy studies
  3. Understanding test accuracy statistics

Part 3: Methods and presentation of systematic reviews of test accuracy

  1. Defining the review question
  2. Searching for and selecting studies
  3. Collecting data
  4. Assessing risk of bias and applicability
    8.S1: Supplementary material: Example study flow diagrams 
  5. Understanding meta-analysis
  6. Undertaking meta-analysis
    10. S1: Supplementary material: Code for undertaking meta-analysis
    10. S2: Supplementary material: Chapter datasets and code files
  7. Presenting findings
  8. Drawing conclusions
  9. Writing a plain language summary  

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