Reporting a Cochrane Qualitative Evidence Synthesis – how to avoid common reporting issues

It is increasingly common for the Cochrane library to publish a qualitative evidence synthesis, or a mixed-methods review with a qualitative component. A recent audit of published Cochrane qualitative evidence syntheses revealed several issues that review authors need to take note of when reporting their reviews.

This web clinic will cover the common reporting issues to be aware of and the speaker will be very happy to address any questions that attendees may have.


Presenter Bio

Professor Jane Noyes is Professor of Health and Social Services Research and Child Health in the School of Health Sciences, Bangor University, UK. She is a methodologist, systematic reviewer and primary researcher with a particular interest in complex health and social interventions. She has a particular interest in developing methods for qualitative and mixed-methods evidence synthesis and the development and evaluation of complex interventions. She is an originator of the GRADE-CERQual approach.

Sign up

Thursday, 4 July 2024, 09:00 UTC [check the time in your timezone] SIGN UP HERE

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