Knowledge Translation in Cochrane – Chinese language webinar

This webinar looks at how to develop and disseminate Cochrane evidence and relevant materials based on the advice and experiences from two teams of Cochrane contributors in South East Asia. Joey Kwong, Co-Convenor of Cochrane Adverse Effects Methods Group and former Associate Director of Cochrane China, opens the webinar by introducing the Cochrane KT framework in the context of application in Chinese-speaking countries. Representatives from Cochrane China Network and Cochrane Taiwan present their own approaches to KT in their respective regions. This webinar serves as an introductory event to all interested people from Chinese-speaking regions who engage in Cochrane and non-Cochrane evidence synthesis and KT work.

The webinar will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua).

Presenter Bios:

Cliff Chen is Director of Cochrane Taiwan, Taipei Medical University. Cochrane Taiwan has made around 3,800 Cochrane review abstracts available in Traditional Chinese; these have been translated by an active network of 500 clinicians.

Joyce Chen is Deputy Director and Chief Executive Officer of Cochrane Taiwan, Taipei Medical University. She is also a contact person of Traditional Chinese translation group.

Joey Kwong is Co-Convenor of Cochrane Adverse Effects Methods Group and was formerly Visiting Professor of Cochrane Taiwan, Associate Director of Cochrane China, and Managing Editor of Cochrane Heart.

Tina Li is the lead and the contact person of the Cochrane Simplified Chinese team, based at the Centre for Evidence-based Chinese medicine in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. The team has been involved with translation activities since 2007.

Sign up

Wednesday, 6th November 2019 10:00 UTC [check the time in your time zoneSIGN UP HERE

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