Websites/databases to help identify drug manufacturers
The following links may be helpful in helping determine which companies make various pharmaceutical products when determining financial interests.
Search by company name to see where companies are registered.
Monthly Index of Medical Specialities (MIMS)
Look up pharmaceutical companies and a list of products they manufacture.
The electronic medicines compendium (emc)
Look up drugs and see who they are manufactured by in the United Kingdom.
Wikipedia – UK pharma companies
List of pharmaceutical companies with operations in the United Kingdom. Use browser ‘Find’ feature to search for company names and link to Wikipedia entries that contain more information about the company and the products they sell.
Wikipedia – International pharma companies
List of pharmaceutical companies and subsidiaries notable enough to have their own articles in Wikipedia. Use browser ‘Find’ feature to search for company names and link to Wikipedia entries that contain more information about the company. Some entries are very brief.
List of pharmaceutical companies and subsidiaries notable enough to have their own articles in Wikipedia. Use browser ‘Find’ feature to search for company names and link to Wikipedia entries that contain more information about the company. Some entries are very brief.