The following is a collection of supporting materials to help users of Cochrane evidence understand more about Cochrane and evidence based practice. If you have materials that you would like to contribute, or suggestions for what you would like to see in this resource, please contact Cochrane's KT Department.
Introductory Materials
An ‘About Cochrane’ toolkit on Cochrane's brand resources page has presentations and videos explaining:
- About Cochrane
- What health evidence is and how can it help you
- What systematic Reviews are
- Impact videos - How Cochrane's evidence makes a difference
Understanding Evidence Based Medicine
Cochrane Evidence Essentials is a set of four, free on-line learning modules offering an introduction to health evidence and how to use it to make informed health choices:
- Module 1: Evidence-based medicine
- Module 2: Randomized controlled trials
- Module 3: Introduction to systematic reviews
- Module 4: Understanding and using systematic reviews
The Testing Treatments resource provides a good introduction to evidence based medicine. It has been written for anyone who wants to understand how treatments can be tested fairly, why it is important to do this, and how anyone interested in health and health care can play a part in the process of testing treatments.
There are many other online courses about EBM that are worth investigating. This list from Cochrane Rehabilitation provides a number of external EBM training courses.
Understanding Knowledge Translation
In this webinar on Consumer-Led Knowledge Translation, Mary Brachaniec presents a Canadian consumer-led strategy to share Cochrane Review results in understandable and useable ways with target audiences, including consumers, to enhance shared decision making and self-management.
Producing Cochrane Reviews for different audiences
Prof John Lavis presents this webinar on Producing Policy Relevant Systematic Reviews. He describes the different types of policy and the different types of policy questions that systematic reviews can inform, and explains how systematic reviews can be made (more) relevant to policy-makers and their work.