Identifying Unpublished Trial Data: Trial Registers, Clinical Study Reports and Other Information Sources: York, UK

Data from clinical trials and results registers are essential to answering many systematic review, health technology assessment, comparative effectiveness research, clinical, and other research questions. Clinical trials registers provide information on current and recently completed research. Results registers provide results of completed research, often before they are available through traditional, published sources. Increasing awareness of the importance of clinical trials and their results has led to the development of a large number of trials and trials results registers. Trials registers are in constant development and provide challenges to librarians in terms of searching and record management. Data on trials are also increasingly available from clinical study registers and other sources. These sources all pose challenges in terms of searching, data management, search recording and updating.

This course, organised by the York Health Economics Consortium (YHEC), explores these new approaches to identifying unpublished trial information and offers practical advice on searching, recording and managing the process.

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