Involving a stakeholder panel for co-production of a Cochrane Review
Cochrane Consumers and Communication Review Group
Aim: Cochrane Consumers and Communication Review Group (CCCRG) present their experience of working with a stakeholder panel to help co-produce a review titled “Consumers and health providers working in partnership for the promotion of person-centred health services: a co-produced qualitative evidence synthesis".
Category: Involving stakeholders
Stakeholders: 18-member stakeholder panel involving consumers, health practitioners and health decision-makers
Summary: The CCCRG editorial team talk about their work developing reviews with a stakeholder panel to guide them every step of the way, including developing the review question, writing the protocol and including stakeholders in the screening process. This work included preparation, engagement in topic and review questions, and a face-to-face training workshop. They present their experiences and give tips for others who may be interested in completing similar work in a number of different resources.
Date: February 2019
Read more:
A blog and presentation on including stakeholders in screening full-text search results
A colloquium presentation outlining the process proposed for co-production
Keeping a Cochrane Review up-to-date by using a Living Systematic Review format
Cochrane Heart
Aim: Cochrane Heart supported rapid updating of Cochrane Review using a Living Systematic Review format to enable policy makers to access the latest synthesised evidence.
Category: Methods and processes to aid decision makers
Summary: Cochrane Heart used a living systematic review format for their review on “Interventions for increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in children aged five years and under”. This method ensures the review in this rapidly evolving area is kept up to date. In turn this means regional and national policymakers have confidence that they are accessing the latest synthesised evidence in this area, which should inform their decision making. The interview with Cochrane Heart authors and editors details the criteria they used to decide to use a living systematic review format and the benefits and challenges involved.
Date: February 2020
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Consumer Peer Reviewers – a lived experience
Cochrane Common Mental Disorders
Aim: Cochrane Common Mental Disorders invited one of their new consumer peer reviewers to share their experience.
Category: Involving Stakeholders
Stakeholders: Consumers and the general public
Summary: Peer reviewing your first Cochrane Review as a consumer may be dauting. In this blog a consumer peer reviewer provides her experience of the process. This might be interesting for Cochrane groups to be able to provide support for consumer peer reviewers.
Date: May 2019
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Working with guideline developers to deliver Cochrane Reviews to support national clinical practice guidelines
Cochrane Airways
Aim: Cochrane Airways present their experiences of working with UK guideline developers on delivering Cochrane reviews on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) to inform guidelines
Category: Involving Stakeholders
Stakeholders: UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Summary: This interview with the editors of Cochrane Airways Review Group explores how the Group worked together with national guideline developers to deliver a complex Cochrane Review with Network Meta-Analysis comparing multiple treatments for COPD. The results were shared with guideline developers ahead of publication and directly used to inform recommendations for the clinical practice guideline for the UK.
Date: December 2018
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Responding quickly to stakeholder needs by producing Rapid Cochrane Reviews
Cochrane Rapid Review Methodology Group and Cochrane Central Editorial Team
Aim: Cochrane Rapid Review Methodology Group and Cochrane Central Editorial Team work together to support the production of Rapid reviews for Cochrane’s Response to Covid-19
Category: Methods and processes to aid decision makers
Summary: The Cochrane response to the Covid-19 pandemic involved working with decision makers to identify key questions which needed quick answers. Cochrane Groups worked together to finalise methods to produce Cochrane rapid review quickly but without significantly impacting review quality. The page outlines the response to the rapid reviews and provides further links to the published results.
Date: March 2020
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Coproduction in Action – Update of the Stroke Physiotherapy Review
Cochrane Stroke
Aim: Authors from Cochrane Stroke involved stakeholders in an update of a Cochrane systematic review relating to physiotherapy after stroke.
Category: Involving stakeholders
Stakeholders: A panel of 13 of stroke survivors, carers and physiotherapists working in stroke care
Summary: the stakeholder group were involved throughout the 12-month project. Stakeholders set out clear rules for interactions, including meetings and used a nominal group technique for getting to decisions. The key stages of the Cochrane review which were co-produced with stakeholders were planning methods, categorising data, interpreting findings and disseminating findings once the review was completed.
Date: 2014
Lear more: Listen to the webinar about this project, and see it used as a case study in the NIHR ‘Co-production in Action no2’ book.
There are other examples for including consumers in Systematic Reviews (including Cochrane Reviews) in:
- When and How’ section of the Involving People: online learning module,
Scoping review for evidence of consumer involvement in organisations undertaking systematic reviews