'A day with...', is a new format of virtual events for anyone interested in systematic review methodology and the work of Cochrane Methods Groups. Whether you are new to systematic review methodology or an advanced-level learner, these virtual events will be an opportunity for you to meet and learn from colleagues from different Methods Groups, with a variety of online events happening throughout the day.
Past events
A day with... Equity Methods Group
April 27, 2022
[Click here for session recording and other content]
A day with... Statistical Methods Group
May 11, 2021
[Click here for session recordings and other content]
A day with... GRADEing Methods Group
November 18, 2020
[Click here for session recordings and other content]
A day with... Information Retrieval Methods Group
October 22, 2020
[Click here for session recordings and other content]
If you have any questions about A day with… virtual events, contact us at support@cochrane.org