Statistical analysis in systematic reviews: Learning Live webinar series

Welcome to this series of Cochrane Learning Live webinars, all dedicated to the topic of statistical analysis in systematic reviews.

In this webinar series, we will explore the basics of statistical analysis in systematic reviews. This series is primarily aimed at Cochrane authors and trainers from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), although anyone is welcome to attend.

This webinar series was developed in collaboration with the Cochrane Statistical Methods Group. We're pleased to be joined throughout the series by leading experts in this field, and you can find out more about each session and access the webinar recordings below. 

Upcoming events

Monday 19 May 2025, 10:00 UTC
Defining a review question and applying the framework for synthesis
Sue Brennan, Cochrane Australia, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University

Tuesday 10 June 2025, 08:00 UTC
Dichotomous and continuous outcomes
Dr Joseph Alvin Ramos Santos, Co-Convenor, Cochrane Statistical Methods Group

Tuesday 15 July 2025, 08:00 UTC
Introduction to meta-analysis
Dr Mark Simmonds, Senior Research Fellow, University of York, UK. UK Co-Convenor, Cochrane Statistical Methods Group

Tuesday 23 September 2025, 13:00 UTC
Exploring heterogeneity
Dr. Theodoros Evrenoglou, Co-Convenor, Cochrane Statistical Methods Group

October 2025, Time and date to be confirmed
Analysing other outcomes and study designs
Dr. Areti Angeliki Veroniki, Co-Convenor, Cochrane Statistical Methods Group
November 2025, Time and date to be confirmed
Synthesising and presenting results when meta-analysis is not possible
Joanne McKenzie, Head of Methods in Evidence Synthesis Unit, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University