- Introduction to Health Economics Evaluation: Southampton, UK
- Introduction to health equity
- Introduction to individual patient data (IPD) meta analysis
- Introduction to knowledge translation (KT) in Cochrane
- Introduction to meta-analysis
- Introduction to meta-analysis software (online workshop)
- Introduction to new Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Version 6)
- Introduction to new random-effects methods in RevMan
- Introduction to preparing a Systematic Review (In-person course: Odense, Denmark)
- Introduction to qualitative research and qualitative evidence synthesis
- Introduction to rapid reviews
- Introduction to RevMan: a walk-through for new users
- Introduction to systematic review and meta-analysis
- Introduction to Systematic Reviews in Health: Southampton, UK
- Introduction to systematic reviews of health interventions: Melbourne, Australia
- Introduction to systematic reviews of prognosis studies
- Introduction to the Cochrane Register of Studies Online
- Introduction to the new Cochrane Equity Content Strategy
- Introductory video
- Involving consumers in Cochrane reviews: learning from the ACTIVE project
- Involving People: A learning resource for systematic review authors
- Involving People: new learning resource for systematic review authors [webinar]
- Key concepts in network meta-analysis (NMA)
- Knowledge synthesis for knowledge users
- Knowledge Translation in Cochrane – Chinese language webinar
- Lay health worker programmes for mother and child health and tuberculosis
- Learning and Support Advisory Committee
- Learning with Cochrane: Discover what's new and what's upcoming
- Literature search in rapid reviews
- Literature Search: Danube University Krems, Austria
- Living systematic reviews: the what, why, when and how?
- MAGIC and the Evidence Ecosystem
- Making sense in systematic reviews of complex interventions
- Making sense of framework and 'best fit' framework synthesis
- Making Systematic Reviews policy-relevant
- Managing Editor Support
- Manual Cochrane de revisiones sistemáticas de intervenciones
- Medical Statistics for Non-Statisticians - basic: Danube University Krems, Austria
- Meta-analysis : Advanced methods using the Stata software - Lausanne, Switzerland
- Meta-analysis of Individual Participant Data (IPD) from intervention studies (online course)
- Meta-analysis of joint longitudinal and time-to-event data
- Meta-analysis of time-to-event data
- Meta-analysis with Individual Participant Data (IPD) (online workshop)
- Meta-analysis: Advanced methods using the Stata software: a four-day course - Lausanne, Switzerland
- Meta-ethnography
- MetaInsight: The Complex Review Support Unit (CRSU) network meta-analysis (NMA) web-based app
- MetaInsight: The Complex Review Support Unit (CRSU) network meta-analysis (NMA) web-based app
- Methods Support Unit web clinics
- Methods to estimate the between-study variance and to calculate uncertainty in the estimated overall effect size
- Methods webinar: An argument-based approach to aggregation of evidence involving multiple outcome indicators
- Mixed Methods Systematic Review and Searching the Evidence: Leeds, UK
- Modul 1: Evidenzbasierte Medizin
- Modul 2: Randomisierte kontrollierte Studien
- Modul 3: Einführung in systematische Reviews
- Modul 4: Systematische Reviews verstehen und nutzen
- Module 10: Network meta-analysis
- Module 11: Health equity in systematic reviews
- Module 12: Introduction to qualitative evidence synthesis
- Module 1: Evidence-based medicine
- Module 1: Introduction to conducting systematic reviews
- Module 2: Randomized controlled trials
- Module 2: Writing the review protocol
- Module 3: Searching for studies
- Module 3: Introduction to systematic reviews
- Module 4: Selecting studies and collecting data
- Module 4: Understanding and using systematic reviews
- Module 5: Consumer involvement in Cochrane
- Module 5: Consumer involvement in Cochrane
- Module 5: Consumer involvement in Cochrane
- Module 5: Introduction to risk of bias
- Module 6: Analysing the data
- Module 6: Critical appraisal of rapid reviews
- Module 6: Critical appraisal of rapid reviews
- Module 6: Critical appraisal of rapid reviews
- Module 6: Critical appraisal of rapid reviews
- Module 7: Interpreting the findings
- Module 8: Reporting the review
- Module 9: Introduction to health economics
- Módulo 1: Medicina basada en la evidencia
- Módulo 2: Ensayos controlados aleatorizados
- Módulo 3: Introducción a las revisiones sistemáticas
- Módulo 4: Comprensión y uso de las revisiones sistemáticas
- Módulo 5: Participación de los consumidores en Cochrane
- Motivating, Managing and Training Volunteers: Case Studies from Cochrane's Translation Teams
- Moving data from Covidence to RevMan – the advantages of a standardised data package
- Mulitiplicity and subgroup analysis - Beware!
- Network meta-analysis on disconnected evidence networks: What can be done?
- Network meta-analysis online workshop
- Network meta-analysis: from planning to publication: Paris, France
- New developments in Cochrane methods workshop - Penang, Malaysia
- New guidance on reporting the Risk Of Bias In Non-randomised Studies - of Interventions (ROBINS-I) tool
- NMAstudio: a fully interactive tool for network meta-analyses
- No Choice of Outcomes About us Without us!
- Online GRADE course by Cochrane Belgium
- Online Journal Club – What Makes a Good Rapid Review?
- Online Systematic Review course by Cochrane Belgium
- Online workshop on systematic reviews and meta-analysis of prognosis studies with the Prognosis Methods Group (February 2022)
- Opportunities and challenges for data extraction with a large language model
- Overdiagnosis and Low Value Healthcare (webinar)
- Overviews of reviews