- Chapter III: Reporting the review
- Chapter III: Reporting the review
- Chapter III: Reporting the review
- Chapter IV: Updating a review
- Chapter IV: Updating a review
- Chapter IV: Updating a review
- Chapter IV: Updating a review
- Chapter IV: Updating a review
- Chapter IV: Updating a review
- Chapter PDFs of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy (v2.0)
- Chapter V: Overviews of Reviews
- Chapter V: Overviews of Reviews
- Chapter V: Overviews of Reviews
- Chapter V: Overviews of Reviews
- Chapter V: Overviews of Reviews
- Chapter V: Overviews of Reviews
- Checklists for the reckless, tools for fools?: are instruments for assessing qualitative research fit for purpose? (Cochrane Ireland webinar)
- Choosing images for sharing evidence: a guide
- CIL 1 test
- CINeMA – Confidence in network meta-analysis
- Citation Analysis – Discovering New Uses Within Systematic Reviews: York, UK
- Clinical vignette haemangiomas
- Clinical vignette haemangiomas
- Co-production in Action
- Cochrane 2.0: Closing the Global Health Equity Gap (Cochrane Lecture 2022)
- Cochrane 20 video series
- Cochrane and Wikipedia: Improve online health-related information accessed by billions of people each year. How, When, and Why
- Cochrane Belgium: Systematic Review course
- Cochrane Consumer workshop: Indianapolis, IN, USA
- Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy
- Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions
- Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions
- Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions
- Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions
- Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions
- Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions
- Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions
- Cochrane handsearching course
- Cochrane Information Specialists' Handbook
- Cochrane Interactive Learning: Conducting an intervention review
- Cochrane International Mobility
- Cochrane Qualitative Methods Glossary
- Cochrane Rapid Reviews: Learning Live webinar series
- Cochrane Reviews - Basics for Authors (online course in German)
- Cochrane Standard Author Training: Edmonton, Canada
- Cochrane Statistical Methods Group training course
- Cochrane Style Manual
- Cochrane Systematic Review Training Workshop (Virtual workshop in French)
- Cochrane Systematic Review Training Workshop, Québec, Canada
- Cochrane Systematic Review Training Workshop: Indianapolis, IN, USA
- Cochrane Systematic Review Training Workshop: Québec. Canada
- Cochrane Systematic Review Training Workshop: Québec. Canada
- Cochrane Systematic Review Workshop: Perdana University, Selangor, Malaysia
- Cochrane Training
- Cochrane 干预措施系统评价手册 中文翻译版
- Cochrane’s new Conflict of Interest policy - How do I deal with “non-financial” interests?
- Cochrane’s new Conflict of Interest Policy – what you need to know
- Cochrane’s new Conflict of Interest Policy – what you need to know
- Collecting and managing declarations of interest: a webinar for Managing Editors
- Collecting study characteristics
- Combining randomised and non-randomised evidence in network meta-analysis (NMA)
- Comentarios
- Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) eLearning course
- Common errors in meta-analysis – lessons from the Cochrane review screening programme [webinar]
- Common Errors: A resource for Cochrane Editors
- Common Errors: Check your knowledge [exercise]
- Common Errors: GRADE and interpretation of findings
- Common Errors: Inconsistency and inaccuracy
- Common Errors: Interpretation of statistical results
- Common Errors: Summary versions of a review
- Comparing test accuracy: from pairwise to network meta-analysis of tests
- Component network meta-analysis: concepts and insights
- Conflict of interest and Cochrane Reviews
- Considering scope at the review planning stage
- Consumer-led knowledge translation
- Consumers webinar: Consumers for the Terrified - Exploring new ways of involving consumers in the work of Cochrane
- Core principles for dissemination: Introducing Cochrane’s new Dissemination Checklist
- Could large language models and/or AI-based automation tools assist the screening process?
- Course on Cochrane reviews and other systematic reviews of medical interventions (In-person course: Odense, Denmark)
- COVID-19 Rapid Reviews: Cochrane’s response so far
- Critical appraisal of Qualitative Research (Virtual workshop)
- Critical appraisal of Randomised Controlled Trials (Virtual workshop)
- Critical appraisal of Systematic Reviews (Virtual workshop)
- Critical Evaluation of Medical Studies: IP Centre Vienna, Austria
- Cross-cultural team working within Cochrane
- Crystal clear reporting: importance of using PRISMA for systematic reviews
- Data collection form (for RCTs)
- Dealing with rare events in Cochrane reviews
- Defining a review question and applying the framework for synthesis
- Demonstration of new random-effects methods in RevMan
- Designing Knowledge Translation Strategies: Using online surveys to identify target audience characteristics and evidence needs
- Developing a Protocol for a Cochrane Systematic Review - Penang, Malaysia
- Developing a tool for detecting problematic RCTs in health systematic reviews: the INSPECT-SR project
- Developing an effective ‘Overview of included studies and syntheses’ table
- Developing our international PPI evidence base through high quality reporting: The evolution and use of GRIPP2
- Developing your implications for research section (Methods Support Unit web clinic)
- Development of materials to facilitate implementation of methods for presentation and statistical synthesis when data are not amenable to meta-analysis (Methods Support Unit web clinic)
- Diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) reviews
- Dichotomous and continuous outcomes
- Dig a little deeper – using Clinical Study Reports for systematic Reviews: Freiburg, Germany