- Dose-Response Meta-analysis (online workshop)
- Economic Modelling Techniques for the NHS & Public Health: York, UK
- Editorial considerations in reviews with network meta-analysis
- Editorial peer review for improving the quality of reports of biomedical studies
- Editorial process of Cochrane DTA Reviews
- Eligibility designs
- Engagement of Key Stakeholders in Evidence Synthesis (webinar)
- Engagement tactics for live online learning sessions
- Engaging indigenous patient partners in patient-oriented research in Canada
- Entering data with the RevMan calculator
- EQUATOR Network toolkit for editors
- Equity in all Cochrane reviews
- Evaluating knowledge translation: How do we know we’re making a difference? Part 1: Tools to plan and evaluate your knowledge translation activities
- Evaluating knowledge translation: How do we know we’re making a difference? Part 2: Collecting and analysing feedback
- Evidence Essentials
- Evidence of diagnostic interventions: Freiburg, Germany
- Evidence synthesis and certainty of evidence ratings in rapid reviews
- Experiences from implementation of PPI in healthcare research in Denmark 2009-2019
- Exploring heterogeneity
- Extracting data from figures using software
- Finding clarity in complexity: An introduction to the concept of network meta-analysis (Cochrane Ireland webinar)
- Follow-up emails
- Full economic evaluations
- GDT tutorial: Creating a GRADE evidence table
- Getting to know EPPI-Reviewer [webinar]
- Good practice guidance to identify and avoid the common errors in systematic reviews
- GRADE - from Medical Studies to Guidelines: Danube University Krems, Austria
- GRADE approach to rate the certainty of evidence from network meta-analysis and Summary of findings tables
- GRADE for interventions (online course)
- GRADE Guideline Development Workshop: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- GRADE Handbook
- GRADE-CERQual (online course)
- GRADE-CERQual: An introduction for qualitative evidence synthesis [webinar]
- Guidance for systematic review authors on how to consider the individual and the population perspective
- Handling heterogeneity in Cochrane reviews
- HEAlth caRe needs of the Deaf (HEARD): Using community-based participatory research to address the healthcare access challenges of the Deaf community in Malaysia
- Help
- How can I contribute to COVID-19 health evidence projects? (webinar)
- How can the framework for prospective, adaptive meta-analysis (FAME) be used to improve the quality of Cochrane reviews?
- How Cochrane Interactive Learning is being used
- How effectively do large language models and AI-based automation tools assist in writing and summarizing evidence syntheses?
- How study centric data management in RevMan streamlines systematic review production
- How the interactive Summary of Qualitative Findings (iSoQ) tool can help you apply GRADE-CERQual in your Qualitative Evidence Synthesis
- How to approach writing a Background section (Methods Support Unit web clinic)
- How to cite Cochrane publications
- How to Conduct a Cochrane Systematic Review: Athens, Greece
- How to Conduct a Cochrane Systematic Review: Columbus, OH, USA
- How to develop a systematic review protocol: An introduction to Cochrane methodology (Online course, April 2022)
- How to develop and evaluate a Knowledge Translation plan: advice and experiences from Cochrane Child Health Field
- How to disseminate reviews with network meta-analysis (NMA)
- How to do a rapid qualitative review
- How to do a rapid scoping review
- How to make sense of the results used in health research, and ways to communicate them (Virtual workshop)
- How to organise live online learning: a guide to running webinars and virtual workshops
- How to overcome the challenges of reviewing adverse effects
- How to peer review a manuscript: a JCE guide
- How to use the Cochrane Library
- How well are Cochrane reviews incorporating non-randomised studies of interventions (NRSI)? Lessons learnt from a scoping review
- How well are Cochrane reviews incorporating non-randomised studies of interventions (NRSI)? Lessons learnt from a scoping review
- How you can help the implementation of Cochrane’s Knowledge Translation Framework
- Identifying Effective Components of Complex Interventions: Component network meta-analysis
- Identifying Evidence for NICE Economic Submissions: York, UK
- Identifying publication bias in meta-analyses of continuous outcomes
- Identifying translators to assess and extract data of studies in different languages for inclusion in Cochrane Reviews
- Identifying Unpublished Trial Data: Trial Registers, Clinical Study Reports and Other Information Sources: York, UK
- Identifying who benefits most from treatments: estimating interactions and subgroup effects in aggregate data meta-analysis
- III.S1 Supplementary material: Considerations and recommendations for figures in Cochrane reviews: graphs of statistical data
- III.S1 Supplementary material: Considerations and recommendations for figures in Cochrane reviews: graphs of statistical data
- III.S1 Supplementary material: Considerations and recommendations for figures in Cochrane reviews: graphs of statistical data
- III.S1 Supplementary material: Considerations and recommendations for figures in Cochrane reviews: graphs of statistical data
- III.S1 Supplementary material: Considerations and recommendations for figures in Cochrane reviews: graphs of statistical data
- III.S1 Supplementary material: Considerations and recommendations for figures in Cochrane reviews: graphs of statistical data
- III.S2 Supplementary material: Guidance for writing a Cochrane Plain language summary
- III.S2 Supplementary material: Guidance for writing a Cochrane Plain language summary
- III.S2 Supplementary material: Guidance for writing a Cochrane Plain language summary
- Improving GRADE ‘Summary of findings’ tables for Cochrane Reviews: Detailed guidance for the calculation of absolute effect from time-to-event data
- Improving your training skills: A workshop for Cochrane Trainers
- Incorporating GRADE in Cochrane Reviews
- Information for Cochrane Learning Live presenters
- Integrating qualitative evidence syntheses with intervention effect findings
- International PPI Network: Learning Live webinar series
- Interpretation of subgroup analyses (Methods Support Unit web clinic)
- Interpreting results of network meta-analyses: the GRADE minimally contextualized approach
- Introducing Cochrane’s Focused Review Format template: an essential tool for authors
- Introducing Living Systematic Reviews
- Introducing RoB 2
- Introducing ROB-ME: a tool for assessing risk of non-reporting biases in systematic reviews with meta-analysis
- Introducing systematic reviews of prognosis studies to Cochrane: what and how?
- Introduction to analysis and meta-analysis of interrupted time series studies with continuous outcomes
- Introduction to Archie
- Introduction to Cochrane (online course)
- Introduction to Cochrane Methodology Workshop - Athens, Greece
- Introduction to Cochrane Methodology Workshop - Athens, Greece
- Introduction to Cochrane Methodology Workshop - Lund, Sweden
- Introduction to Cochrane Methodology Workshop - Lund, Sweden
- Introduction to Cochrane Methodology: Lund, Sweden
- Introduction to diagnostic test accuracy network meta-analysis
- Introduction to GRADE
- Introduction to Health Economics Evaluation (online course)