4.S1 Technical Supplement to Chapter 4: Searching for and selecting studies

Carol Lefebvre, Julie Glanville, Simon Briscoe, Robin Featherstone, Anne Littlewood, Maria-Inti Metzendorf, Anna Noel-Storr, Robin Paynter, Tamara Rader, James Thomas and L. Susan Wieland on behalf of the Cochrane Information Retrieval Methods Group

This technical supplement should be cited as: Lefebvre C, Glanville J, Briscoe S, Featherstone R, Littlewood A, Metzendorf M-I, Noel-Storr A, Paynter R, Rader T, Thomas J, Wieland LS. Technical Supplement to Chapter 4: Searching for and selecting studies. In: Higgins JPT, Thomas J, Chandler J, Cumpston M, Li T, Page MJ, Welch VA (editors). Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 6.4 (updated February 2024). Cochrane, 2024. Available from www.training.cochrane.org/handbook.

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